Irina Shayk Tits in Cannes of the Day

Irina Shayk from Russian babe in the sex trade, to model in the Swimsuit issues, to scenester and woman at all the important events, to Hollywood baby momma and possibly wife, I don’t really know what her marital status is, I just know that girl is a solid Russian, perfectly calculating, like when you get a lap dance with one and they take you for all the money you have and threaten you if you don’t pay them in full, because they know how to fucking cheat you with their tits, and they have muscle behind them to kill you if needed…Russia…both the people who chose your election process for your president, and the home of hot soulless pussy…

I’m a fan….even if this is her mom body…check out them hips…I’d say they don’t lie like that song, but she’s a Russian and lying is her foundation…of who she is as a person.

With being a Hollywood wife – she gets to go to Cannes…but she was probably going there when she was just a sugar baby too…life.


Irina Shayk Tits in Cannes of the Day May 24th, 2017