Brooke Burke Wild On the Retirement Years of the Day

Brooke Burke was not really that big of a deal ever in her career as a plastic surgery looking playboy looking chick of the 90s who all looked like this…but I know she has a really insane fan base that spam me when I do posts on her mocking her 15 kids she’s had with at least one rich guy to support her existence…knowing she was a fetish to some mid 40 year olds back when she mattered…all fake tits, fake face, traveling the world having a good time…before ending up a mom who looks like a porn chick on Dancing with the stars, which turned into whatever the fuck it is she does now..

But I do find it interesting to watch her plastic surgery age, it’s like that science experiment in elementary school where you put a sandwich in a jar and watch it rot…the human slut version…exciting.


Brooke Burke Wild On the Retirement Years of the Day July 27th, 2017