Sarah Hyland freaks me out.
I think she had some traumatic experience at a young age, probably from her parents whoring her out to the film industry, that did the opposite of most girls who are traumatized at a young age, you know their period at 7 thanks to traumatic experiences…and this one ended up never getting her period….stunting her growth, delaying her puberty….and keeping her weird looking in her adult years….all big head, little body, on TV for such a long time that people are used to her look, but that probably wouldn’t be into her…if she wasn’t on TV…
TV career is like that thing that makes a bitch better than she is, increases the stock price, and the broken, traumatic aspect of her character, makes her more fun to fuck, horny, dirty pig, trained by pervert execs at a young age.
It’s nice….but not as nice as seeing her butt for instagram like a low level fame-whore, basic chick. It normalizes her…despite how weird she looks with her child body….a child body that is likely why you pervs are into her.