Emma Roberts Skinny Legs of the Day

Emma Roberts is lovely and she’s got skinny legs…a fetish of mine that is at risk of eventually disappearing…because I left the house today and I saw countless women in fitness gear looking just like a Kardashian..

The fat asses, the skinny waist, it’s like they workout, or eat cake and workout, to achieve this thick bitch look, and the concept of a nice, lean, skinny leg, is fading…an idea or memory of what once was…the glamour of a skinny leg and the eroticism of a skinny ass….is going to left for the crackheads and anorexics and the people dying of cancer or AIDS…and I’ll be forced to stare at thighs rubbing together or pics of hot girls like Emma Roberts pantsless for my pleasure…because no matter how fat the world gets, there will always be archival pics of skinny legs…

I’m a fan of whatever goes on with Emma Roberts..

Emma Roberts Skinny Legs of the Day September 26th, 2017