Roxanne Pallet Topless on the Beach of the Day

Roxanne Pallet is topless on the beach, because of course she is, not only is she’s Euro where topless is accepted, even though she’s British, which is normally uptight and classy, unless it’s Glamour models, working class, and not stuffy or uptight….and because she’s the star of Lake Placid 3 (2010), Wrong Turn 6: Last Resort (2014) and Devil’s Tower (2014)…bitch needs all the help she can get to get noticed.

Topless pics of aspiring actresses pushing 40 is not a dream of mine – but it happened, right here, right now, and who would I be to ignore it…a terrible terrible titty blogger….thats who.

Roxanne Pallet Topless on the Beach of the Day October 2nd, 2017