Emily Osment Bikini Top for Instagram of the Day

I like to make fun of Emily Osment because I just assume she is Haley Joel Osment from the Sixth Sense after his sex change…in efforts to keep his youthful success alive…because everyone knows child stars are fucked in the head and do fucked up shit the second they aren’t cute anymore…you know dude was nominated for an oscar at 10 or some shit…and it went all down hill for him…peaking at 10 sucks…so he decides to reinvent himself as a chick and have a second stab at a career….at least that is what I assume happened…

Because TITS get hits, and people love tits, so showing up to the party with tits, will distract people enough from your face to know you see dead people…

I will not believe he is still around and not Emily until he does Dancing with the Stars like Malcolm in the middle.

Emily Osment Bikini Top for Instagram of the Day October 3rd, 2017