Kate Upton Sloppy Tit Comeback Tour of the Day

Kate Upton is an overrated sloppy titted over exposed, played out, old, washed up, but still sloppy titted, pile of bullshit…but that doesn’t stop Sports Illustrated from making clickbait videos of her…

The footage could be old, who knows, it’s not that complex of a video, a video that works out nicely for everyone involved, it gets SI back on the map, Kate Upton talked about, and that’s really all they are here for..

She may just be some rich kid with a big titty dream of using her family money to make that big titty dream a reality, by showing off the big titty…

A dream that thanks to her big titty turned out to be an attainable dream, and all it took was some sloppy natural tits and the right angling with the right magazine at the right time to get that fan base locked in…

Locked in thanks to people being perverts blinded by the tits.

She’s now in movies, an actual celebrity, and all it took was big tits, that even when the rest of her caught up to the tits, and made her a big sloppy mess, and her tits were big enough to tuck into her boxers…she still gets people watching because we are all big titty loving perverts and that’s all I have to say about that.

Kate Upton Sloppy Tit Comeback Tour of the Day October 11th, 2017