Bianca Balti Hot Pics of the Day

Bianca Balti tits in a white bikini

Damn girl…get it..

Bianca Balt is good…but she’s fucking old, in her mid 30s and a mom and she hasn’t done Victoria’s Secret since 2005…but still good…. despite being in her mid 30s and a mom…

It’s probably the Euro thing, some Mediterranean diet high in good fats like olive oil and fresh produce because we’ve all seen how fat and disgusting moms of 2 in America look…I’ve been to Walmart.I know how it is..and The only titty grabbing they are doing on camera is for their boyfriends they met on Facebook after their husbands left them…or while trying to breast feed their kid they just had for child welfare checks…and no one wants to see that shit…I mean no magazine does…but I do, I love that shit, send it over my way, I like moms of all shapes and sizes, it’s a fetish…

I just know that moms like this, doing pics like this for their modeling career, are something special…

Bianca Balti Hot Pics of the Day October 16th, 2017