Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

People are so fucking uptight and insane. I can’t believe this is the world we live in. Everyone lives in a fantasy land. Everyone is an uneducated activist who have this online persona that is just bullshit, fabricated lies, that they may believe, or that they may just like saying because it helps them market themselves better than saying something like “gender is black or white and all these men identifying as women are still men just parodying women”…instead they coddle them..and say “it’s ok, you’re a woman, not a man pretending to be a woman….”….or there’s the whole fat thing…it is scientifically proven that FAT kills you. That Fat is not healthy, and you have the media, who historically hated fat people and made them feel like shit about being fat, now tell us that fat is beautiful, despite being unhealthy, and the vain, superficial fucks of society have decided that “beautiful” is enough for them, even though they’ll die at 50, because at least they are seen as beautiful, even though they are fat….then there are the whole feminists who are getting naked, I love that these women fighting about being objectified by the evil man are getting naked, it’s hot for me to see college age girl tits on the internet, but I know, and they know tits gets hits, and tits without a fake cause are just shameless, but tits with a cause have purpose…but are still just shameless, objectification of themselves, and they really fucking believe their bullshit…they put the tits out there, and when dudes look at the tits being fed to them, they write a rant about how terrible men are..then they’ll go have an empowering gangbang with three men they find hot and one man who identifies as a woman who is fat to keep things politically correct, progressive or whatever the fuck else is going on…

It’s just confusing to see everything become fucking clickbait that has no substance or depth, just idiots believing their own bullshit, while other idiots encourage them…

That said, I didn’t get any pics of anus from any girls I asked for anus pics from and that makes me sad…which is nice because it means I have emotions and I am not as autistic as I thought I was.

Here are some stepLINKS…

Sting’s Got a Pretty Awesome House….


20 Best Horror Movies of All Time from Some Clickbait-ist That Has No Quantifiable Proof


Natalie Dormer – Legs


Katy Perry Trying to Fuck Robert Pattison


Azealia Banks is Crazy….


Heidi Klum Cleavage


Britney Spears Cleavage Doing Art….


Ashley Greene Cleavage


Karreuche Tran in a Sports Bra….


Blake Lively Cross Dresser!


Morning Hangover Dump of the Day October 18th, 2017