Stacy “Fergie” Ferguson Butt Shot of the Day

Fergie took a break from the meth to put out another album because girl’s drug addiction of choice is making money, being famous, having fans, even though she’s old as fuck and should just fucking simmer down and ride the money she made into her premature death thanks to the damage done from her meth addiction…

Instead, we need to see girl humiliate herself, embarrass herself, do shitty song and dance that she’ll pollute our ears / rape our ears with, when really the only rape we’re into when it comes to Fergie, is our faces with that old lady, still fit, recently single, still a mom ass…

I don’t know what this is all about but it is ridiculous…and no longer 1999 so fuck off.

To see pics of the old lady in leather pants walking around CLICK HERE

Stacy “Fergie” Ferguson Butt Shot of the Day October 25th, 2017