Vitamin Vape is Necessary of the Day

VITAMIN VAPE is a great fucking concept…it’s allows you to take your vitamins while you’re vaping….and if you had a mother growing up…you’ll know just how important it is to take your vitamins..

As an unhealthy fuck, I realize the importance of bio-hacking, you know figuring out ways to medicate your body, to off set the bad things you do to your body – living on the grid in this radioactive, radio wave, technology filled, processed filled world…

It’s one of those take your fucking vitamins and do what you can to not fall into the arms of the evil pharma companies who want you sick, dying, to make them money…you are their bottom line…

So why not get a boost of Vitamin B while doing what you love…VAPING

So each vaporizer contains 14 times the amount of B12 you’d find in a shot.

Studies have shown that inhaling B12 can be 100’s of times more effectively absorbed than pills.

If you have symptoms of chronic fatigue, mood disorders like depression, and chronic stress or feeling run down – you may need some VITAMIN B12.

Vitamin B12 is also an essential vitamin for addressing adrenal fatigue, multiple metabolic functions — including enzyme production, DNA synthesis and hormonal balance

It helps maintain energy levels…it prevents memory loss and lowers risk of neurodegenerative disease…it boosts Mood and helps the Nervous System to Properly Function…

and it plays a role in maintaining heart health….

Sounds good to me…

Get yours if you just


Get yours if you just


Get yours if you just


Get yours if you just


Vitamin Vape is Necessary of the Day November 22nd, 2017