Ellie Bamber Nipples for Harper’s Bazaar of the Day

Ellie Bamber is some pasty as fuck, almost transparent, white as you’d expect a ginger from the UK to be, actress and model apparently, who I’ve never heard of but that’s not saying much because my finger is in some fat pig of a woman in her 50s, not on the pulse of what is future or new…not to mention there are too many famewhoring sluts to keep track of…

She has been in Pride and Prejudice ZOmbies, a movie I have seen part of, I don’t know why or where, but I know the entire time I was thinking “who signed off on this garbage”…but her nipples are hard in some bootleg Harper’s Bazaar and that’s ok…

Ellie Bamber Nipples for Harper’s Bazaar of the Day November 29th, 2017