Gigi Hadid’s Legs in Vogue Germany of the Day

Gigi Hadid was the gateway drug for her ugly sister to prosper..all because money can buy fame, success and I guess more money…even when you aren’t deserving of it…but are just the coatriding wave-jacker…

Allowing Gigi Hadid to think, as she fills her sad rich girl pussy with UK Popstar cheese dick, that she was legit, the real deal, and her jacked up face from injections that make her look 45, were just a style choice, a trend, and not needed for her legitimate model success…

You know, like she’s not just an instagram whore, and that she would have run the fashion industry regardless of instagram, had instagram not been the whole reason her and her sister and their friends get work…people like their followers..

People like Vogue, who have the power to erase this little groupie, poser, fake, try hard models…and focus on the real models, found in small towns, cuz they are tall and work the diner…instead of just rich kids wanting their dirty hands in something…and thanks to being spoiled…getting it.

Their dad buys them magazine covers…then they happened…and that alone is representative of how the world works…

What the fuck is GIGI short for anyway? Fucking pretentious sounding trash really.

Gigi Hadid’s Legs in Vogue Germany of the Day December 7th, 2017