Rumer Willis in a Bra of the Day

I preferred when Rumer Willis was in hiding because she knew she was a potato head who got the worst part of her mom, who was forced to get reconstructive plastic surgery because she was naturally ugly and Bruce Willis…who I am sure has no problem getting pussy, but if you were to put a pussy on him, you’d only want in on it because of his celebrity….LIKELY the only reason anyone gets up in Rumer…

I don’t know why she’s made a comeback, doing photoshoots, when clearly she’s better behind the scenes, you know sitting on her trust fund, but I blame her mom for showing her the plastic surgery way, coupled with fitness trainers, giving her the confidence her back account helps justify, when really she’s a bit of a monster…

An experiment with two incompatible DNA strands, both fine on their own, but a failure when merged into this…I GUESS.

Rumer Willis in a Bra of the Day December 7th, 2017