Bijou Philips is a Monster in a See Through of the Day

Here’s the reason Danny Masterson is raping women…

His crackhead Scientologist wife looks like fucking dog shit.

Pigs may not fly, but they do wear see through shirts…

I remember when Bijou Philips was hot…The rumor is the hot daughter from the 90s, Mamas and the Papas heiress has had a Kidney Transplant like she was some kind of Selena Gomez, but that is no excuse for her looking like this, unless the Kidney belonged to some fat bitch and the fat’s taken over her hipster crackhead scientologist…

The only reason I hate Bijou Philips, other than her aging real fucking bad, is that her and her fans are the reason one of my instagram accounts was deleted for being at the same event as her and leaving comments about how we were at the same event, which I guess scared her…

I mean I also hate entitled, egos, who think they are more important than they are, but I do like seeing them looking like dog shit…

Bijou Philips is a Monster in a See Through of the Day December 9th, 2017