Lorena Medina for Playboy of the Day

Lorena Medina  Nude holding her PUssy

Lorena Medina is some naked chick in Playboy after HEF has died and they decided to try to compete with instagram by doing non nude content for a year, before realizing that was a terrible strategy, so instead they decided to take the instagram girls who are already getting naked, and take instagram style naked pics of them, to be like every other instagram account, only with the bunny stamp of approval…you know a legacy brand with nostalgia that allows these girls to feel approved, finally validated, like they made it, even though Playboy is on a sinking ship scrambling and they are just part of that scramble.

Either way, Lorena Medina, naked, not showing pussy, but I bet she does elsewhere, cuz you’ve never heard of her yet she’s here, so she does…because Playboy’s trying to keep it classy and high brow by using low level characters…

Weird, but naked cowboy in a played out shoot…alright.

Lorena Medina for Playboy of the Day December 12th, 2017