Megan Fox Still Lives and is in Pictures of the Day

I don’t know whether these Megan Fox pictures are new or old. I do know that they are rumored to be for some bootleg version, or international version of a known magazine brand, which really means nothing, sometimes those bootleg magazines aren’t even affiliated with the American one people think of as relevant because they’ve been around forever…

I do know that something’s going on in her middle aged brain – probably from mental health issues, maybe post-partem depression after so many fucking kids, with her captor from when she was hot, Brian Austin Green, someone she’s stuck with since he originally brain washed her, not necessarily someone who she’s been exclusive or loyal to, a girl’s gotta make a living, case some movies, feel important, become brand ambassador to a classic Hollywood Lingerie shop…at 40 years old…

So she’s trying to stay hot, stay remembered, matter and it’s weird… I prefer when sex tapes are the solution to feeling a need to be wanted, not shitty posing…but whatever…people, mainly perverts still like her…and that’s what this is about really…this Christmas time of year.

Megan Fox Still Lives and is in Pictures of the Day December 14th, 2017