RIP to Amber Rose’s Titties of the Day

I generally avoid Amber Rose and all her slut empowerment, with her Slut Walks, because she was a stripper who dated Kanye, got famous, and now is hated by the Kim Kardashian, or at least used in her storyline to generate some interest with people…like some kind of WWE wrestling bullshit that bored Americans buy into….because their lives are pathetic…

But she got a breast reduction and the fact that is news, or that I know this, when I don’t even follow her on social media, is just further evidence that the world is the worst…

Who the fuck cares about who chops off their weird sexualized tits, to have them rebuilt into something new and exciting with some anchor scars like she’s Ariel Winter…

If anything, we should have funerals for this shit, but the mentally disordered Amber Rose is on some quest to intellectualize what she does and generate some buzz around who she is…and chopping off the tits is I guess all part of that de-sexualization of herself…who knows or cares…whatever…

Or maybe they are just too damn big and getting the damn way

Either way – Good Bye Our Friend we Never Met or Cared to Meet But Would have Liked to Have Bought a Lap Dance Off You When You Stripped for the Story…

Hopefully she keeps the BUSH

RIP to Amber Rose’s Titties of the Day January 18th, 2018