Chrissy Teigen is a Monster of the Day

Chrissy Teigen, despite her plastic surgery, and her success as a celebrity wife with an obnoxious and opinionated social media channel, where people, retard people think she’s funny for whatever reason, while really she’s just a trainwreck, writing drunken ridiculousness that we hoped would end in a live broadcast suicide, but instead has resulted in a series of pregnancies, to secure her wallet fucking that she’s wallet fucked before he was officially famous, an investment or a gamble on her end, and really a shitty deal for John Legend who probably doesn’t have a pre-nup, so sticking it out with her just makes more financial sense to keep her around….but eventually he’ll crack, cuz she’s the worst kind of sex worker, because she speaks too much, and will just cut a check to make her disappear, provided she doesn’t kill herself in an alcohol post natal depression rage. FINGERS CROSSED.

All this to say, she’s so fucking gross.

Chrissy Teigen is a Monster of the Day February 13th, 2018