Hailey Clauson Topless of the Day

Hailey Clauson is out there doing it – the right way…by sexualizing herself because she’s resilient….that’s what models do – they overcome all odds and bring their best face and body to the photoshoot where they are objectified by brands, photographers, marketing people, just wanting them to look their hottest, to make the most noise, and get the most attention, to sell as much product as possible…

Even after this hipster model, who sued a Hipster leader, for slutting her out when underage…WHILE HER DAD WAS ON SET….to cash the fuck in young, something you’d think would get her blacklisted….

She went fat, got skinny, did SI, and now here’s her POLAROIDs…

Hailey Clauson Topless of the Day February 21st, 2018