Sarah Fucking Snyder Nipples of the Day

Sarah Fucking Snyder is some instagrammer who has a lot of followers because she likely hangs out with celebrities, because she is likely a rich kid….who hangs out with other rich kids…and lives that entitled life.

All the perverts I know who are into hip hop and street wear, yes there are people really into hip hop and street wear, who are actual grown ups, which is hilarious to me…there are sites based on it, overpriced limited edition snearkers and t-shirts making millions off it…and the fans of that shit, like it’s comic books, are the biggest fucking nerds around, only disguised as cool guys….either way, they follow this one, because she looks young and gets half naked…despite looking 15, she’s 22…thank goodness..

I remember her from being Jaden Smith’s girlfriend he carted her around, she was in the Yeezy bullshit campaign pretending to be Kim K, she’s been seen with Leo Dicaprio the pervert who I guess likes little boys…and today…she showed nipple..

Either way, some instagram hipster instagrammer pretending to be a model that millions of people watch and follow…got some nipples.

Sarah Fucking Snyder Nipples of the Day February 22nd, 2018