Maitland Ward Made 30k of the Day

The other day I was laughing about how disgusting Maitland Ward looks, and how ridiculous her whole instagram / social media tactics are, while knowing from my STATS that she’s the most popular person I post, so popular I’ve tried to recruit her into doing sex tapes that I broker, because I truly believe her fans will pay….

I guess I was right, because she put up her PATREON link, something I should do, or would do if I was a chick who got half naked seducing my male fans with my sloppy old lady tits, and as expected she made 30k….a number I am sure she’s shocked about, and that she will continue to work hard to get…I mean 30k is legit money for someone who just posts a pic, not even a well shot pic, in her underwear…I’d be doing it all fucking day.

So 1800 people gave her 30,000 dollars….maybe my dreams of the sex tape with her are over….sex tapes not starring me…because sex tapes are so impersonal…while tipping a chick feels real for the desperate men she’s found…and I gotta give her props…30k is a new car, rent, some new lingerie, food…it’s legit money…good job for someone who found her niche.

I like to think I helped make it happen, in all my support I’ve given her by questioning what the fuck she is…I mean just 2 years ago – she was offering to let dudes fuck her up the ass!

Let this inspire other girls with a dream, because apparently if you believe in yourself, no matter how many people point and laugh, it will work out for you…it happened for Rita Ora…and now it’s happened for Maitland Ward…it’s a valuable lesson…dreams do come true…

I am going to start charging her for promoting her.

Maitland Ward Made 30k of the Day February 28th, 2018