Selena Gomez in Leggings of the Day

Selena Gomez may be the most followed girl on instagram thanks to lies in the instagram algorithm…because she’s friends with Zuckerberg, they hang out, they homies, go to the source of evil to perpetuate your own evil…and dude has the power to really make anything he want popular, news, fact, he has the power to rewrite history and it is terrifying….because I know there’s no way Selena Gomez is that interesting, or that people would seek her out on social media to the level they have, I know it’s manipulated bullshit, which is pretty much what Selena Gomez’s entire career is…just a fucking Disney Kid lie….manipulating media…to get paid…

Just look at this ass in real tight supportive leggings…like compression socks on an old lady…these shits are military grade…just trying to keep her together to perpetuate her lie that she’s hot, or worth lookin’ at or giving money to…for her song, acting, or whatever else she does that separates her from being an influencer like a kardashian, which is pretty much what she is….garbage…overpaid, overpriced, garbage. Tugging at our hearts for her terminal disease or organ transplant – garbage. Sex offending Bieber when he was underage to mooch his celebrity at the time to attach herself to it – garbage. Taylor Swift groupie-ing Garbage….


Selena Gomez in Leggings of the Day March 2nd, 2018