Cindy Crawford’s Old Face Dumpy Ass of the Day

Cindy Crawford is an old lady at this point…and here she is walking around with her old face hanging off her old jaw…just looking old….despite what is probably a lot of botox..and her ass…looking old and sloppy in leggings that should be loose fitting sweat pants…because at a certain age…simmer the fuck down with your whoring and divert attention to your clone 16 year old who you irresponsibly is taken out of school to be a “model” at “fashion week” for her instagram celebrity like a Kardashian…which is fucking disgusting to me….on so many levels…you have the money and resources to not make her a model…get her a job at the smoothy shop or some shit…parents whoring their kids out to a vapid existence of superficial, vanity, overpriced product, polution and all that is wrong with fashion industry and being a slutty model…are so fucking wrong…especially when they are rich and have resources to help them be real contributing people in the world…LA man…it’s a terrible place.

Here’s her 16 year old daughter sexualizing herself, working at Fashion week, walking for fashion companies, at 16 years old, despite her family being virtual billionaires thanks to the tequila deal deal….in what I would consider pretty inappropriate, whether it is for fashion or not…she’s still 16…and that’s not even the age of consent…so seeing her used by brands seems fucking wrong to me.

Cindy Crawford’s Old Face Dumpy Ass of the Day March 5th, 2018