Sharon Stone 1000 Year Old Tits of the Day

I remember when Sharon Stone was a pussy lip flash in a skirt in the early 90s, when porn wasn’t accessible, that lead to a lot of trouble renting the VHS of the tape, but not as much trouble as trying to pause the tape at the precise pussy flash moment to jerk off to the pussy….it took real artistry and skill to lock it in so that it wasn’t a pixelated mess…

That was a long time ago, way long ago, a thing of the past..shit that is in film history books it happened so long ago, but for some reason, I don’t think anyone has told Sharon Stone that it’s long gone…because she’s still out there doing it…

Is this a woman thinking she’s still hot, or a woman who knows she’s not who just threw in the towel and doesn’t give a fuck…

I guess we will never know. We’ll just watch it fall apart as gay men date her or sugar baby them, because why not, it’s a good life being a gigolo…if you can pull it off.


Sharon Stone 1000 Year Old Tits of the Day March 12th, 2018