Kelly Brook Feeder Fetish and her Watermelon Slutty of the Day

Kelly Brook is fat…and she knows it….she is trying to own it now that being fat is stylish and generates revenue.

She will take any fucking job she can get…..I have this theory about her realizing she’s hitting 40 and that big titties aren’t gonna be enough to save her….so now is the final push before retiring….

There was a time when she starved herself before putting out content, or doing photoshoots, and there was a time she was pregnant, got rid of the baby, moved to America to take her UK titty modeling to the movies, but never made it.

She’s just thatcocky, but seems to know her place and need to use social media, to create her own destiny…the modern version of being a sex worker, a titty fetish model, fat chick, athlete fucker, who can finally be a fat chick, the world allows it and maybe her dreams of relevance finally will hit…

Kelly Brook Feeder Fetish and her Watermelon Slutty of the Day March 14th, 2018