Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Titties in a Bikini of the Day

Iskra Lawrence

I have the ability to get with the times and continue my fat chick content of the day, like I am a fat chick in slutty poses fetish site, which I am not, because I hate everything there is about fat chicks, I have made it my life work calling chicks who aren’t even nearly this fat fat, in hopes of bullying them into getting into shape, you know to give them the gift of living a longer and healthier life, because science has proven many times over that obesity kills, fat kills, that we are all going to die the fatter we get…

But unfortunately, since society is lazy, fat comes easy, and products we are sold are bad for us, and information on nutrition and health is unavailable to us, and that info that is available to us, we choose to ignore because we like eating sugar, carbs, cake, whatever…it is we are addicted to that was created in a lab somewhere…for a billion dollar brand..

So people like Iskra Lawrence exist, they don’t just exist they thrive in this era….she was a fame seeking model who was skinny, who got rejected too many times and realized she could use fat to her advantage, and shot a viral video of her in her underwear in the subway, somethng that should get her arrested, but instead got her brand deals and made her rich, giving her an angle and something to post about…her talent…eating bad food and getting paid for it…


Iskra Lawrence Big Girl Titties in a Bikini of the Day March 22nd, 2018