Selena Gomez Surgery Scar of the Day

Selena Gomez either pregnant or fat…obsessed with the Bieber and now Jesus because all vapid idiots need spirituality to help them sleep at night…knowing how garbage they are as humans…if they are even humans…despite everything about them being anti-religion…from their greed, their narcissism, the fact that they are in the business of fame and fortune and celebrity and making people idolize them in exchange for money…making me not believe her…

Not to mention, if she really cared about GOD’s intent, if there is even a god, she wouldn’t have harvested organs for herself, she would have given them to dying children with a life ahead of them that can actually make a difference rather than just mooching off fame they got from getting molested by Barney that her mom leveraged into this…

Erotic..not really…but the most followed person on instagram which should be important..I guess..

Selena Gomez Surgery Scar of the Day March 26th, 2018