Kim Kardashian’s Fake Ass of the Day

What the world needs much less of is Kim Kardashian….one of the pillars of evil in the world…that for some reason hasn’t been taken out, but instead been celebrated and overpaid, and continued to be celebrated..

She is the clickbait human, who sells product for brands, because she has influence on people, which is terrifying…I can just imagine her winning the next presidential election because it seems to be the trend of the world…

A legit bottom feeder, who released a video of her bottom feeding on cock, in a strategic marketing move….winning at life, having all these fans, for 10 fucking years…and we allow it..

It disgusts me more than all the shameless selfies I see on instagram inspired by this woman…if she’s even a woman…I can’t tell because her body is so jacked up…

The whole thing has skewed the moral code and value system of an entire generation…and she’s still posting ass pics..

But I will say, that her influence isn’t all bad, sometimes a girl just needs some face injections to look good. As much as I hate on face injections, there have been ugly girls I know become hot with some working out and lips so I get it

I am still repulsed by everything this family does…no matter how they fucking spin it…they are demons out for our souls…who figured out digital marketing before the masses and now we are stuck with them…


Kim Kardashian’s Fake Ass of the Day March 29th, 2018