Josephine Skriver Ass of the Day

Josephine Skriver is the real life West World, this is not an ad from the people at HBO, who don’t pay me shit to promote their nude scenes from their shows, because they are assholes and don’t support the independent pervert..

I didn’t watch West World when it first happened, but I know the story, rich dudes create a world where AI pussy roam freely, for other rich people to pay to fuck and kill them…

Well, this Josephine Skriver, is the real life version of that, her dad the Anthony Hopkins evil genius, her financier Victoria’s Secret the Ed Harris character…while she is the Evan Rachel Woods post being fucked by Marilyn Manson…or maybe Thandie Newton…

POINT BEING….we’re not sure she’s real, she was made in a lab, I assume human…just designer genetic engineering….who was programmed to know the importance of slutty selfies.

Josephine Skriver Ass of the Day April 13th, 2018