Madelaine Petsch in a Bikini of the Day

Looks like Cherry Blossom is getting pregnant in Hawaii…

Looks like Cherry Blossom is getting pregnant in Hawaii…or wherever the fuck she’s on Vacation now that the Riverdale show is done filming Season 2, something I have a feeling the executives at Riverdale did not expect to have happen, because if you’ve seen Riverdale and I have, you will know that the shit is so badly written, that it makes zero fucking sense, that is hardly compelling, at least not to an old pervert with a bit of a brain, sure it’s liquor soaked, waterlogged, half retarded brain, but clearly one far more sophisticated than the half retard, ADHD, kid addicted to porn who I assume they target in the show, who watches the show, who has made the show a hit….I blame a lack of hot chicks, as this one is the only hot one, and looking at her in a bikini is totally uneventful, because maybe women are just uglier than they used to be…the fake faces and all make them ugly…maybe the hot chick on TV is just a myth…social media a lie..the face filters and shit make them lazy…because I’m not impressed…

The hot chick from a well marketed and well distributed show…half naked…not looking hot…I feel so lied to…and no wonder this pop filled, garbage eating, flimsy generation….is so fucking confused about everything, including their own genders…it’s because marketers and producers are fucking lazy…

It’s the era of access to the most information, the most art, the most knowledge, the most porn, the most everything…yet the shit that works is Memes that a half retard would understand…..

Step it up people….and by step it up…I mean…pull down them bikini bottoms Cherry Blossom…and show us the gateway to your soul.


Madelaine Petsch in a Bikini of the Day April 19th, 2018