Chanel West Coast’s Nipple for Attention of the Day

Chanel Westcoast is some bullshit reality TV show accessory, not even reality show star, because she was just a prop on some MTV bullshit that I am sure still got her some level of fame, I mean she was on MTV, but she’s no Jersey Shore, or Heidi and Spencer, she’s more bootleg as fuck…but she’s still out there with her Orange County female rap career that I am sure doesn’t make her shit…but it does make her want to pull her tits out at 5 am for the fanbase she does have, because nipples are good for attention seekers…who have nipples that they can easily pull out rather than do something of substance to get noticed…like save a dying child or whatever it is people do for attention that has a more positive tone than just pulling out the damn nipple…something I can’t quite figure out because we live in an era of the pulling out the nipple…for attention instead of doing somehting good for attention so I can list off girls who have successfully generated attention with their nipples…but I can’t think of one bitch who done good or got good hype without her nipples…maybe it is the circles I hang out in….you know alone but on the internet…it’s just nipples everywhere.

Chanel West Coast’s Nipple for Attention of the Day April 23rd, 2018