Margot Robbie Does a Magazine of the Day

Margot Robbie may be seen as the number 1 actress in Hollywood…all because she got naked in Wolf of Wall Street and the world said “Damn did you see the nude girl in Wolf of Wall Street, that girl was amazing”…but instead of giving her a Playboy, because Playboy probably wasn’t doing nudity at the time, they decided they will package her as a Jennifer Lawrence caliber, average but marketed as hot, versatile but always the same character actress because Hollywood needs women like that to keep budgets high, to hype and to think sell movie tickets to perverts…it’s their version of tits getting hits or whatever…and it’s just too bad that they didn’t find someone more compelling, hot, exciting to be that person…instead we get some middle aged australian who’s’ alright looking but nothing next level….and here she is in a magazine, media hyped for you to think she’s more important than she is…

I wonder what interesting facts we can learn in the profile on her…I am assuming nothing interesting and that this is just her marketing some movie because the movie companies often times are owned by the same company as the magazines writing about the movies…all bullshit….

It is disappointing that she’s no longer the tits in the A-List movie, but now the A-List not showing her tits…Egos, marketing positioning, an attempt to turn a ho into a hollywood star….and here it is.

Margot Robbie Does a Magazine of the Day April 23rd, 2018