Demi Lovato Tits of the Day

Demi Lovato doing some swim campaign for some sunglass company is really fucking weird to me. The last thing I think about when I think of Demi Lovato is the beach, the sun, or really anything beyond “I heard she filmed a lesbian sex tape with Miley in Nashville when they were both underage”….or “I hate people who blame being bi-polar for their drug addiction and cunty behavior”…because as a Disney Kid, we expect drug addiction and cunty behavior…when coddled by everyone, even your parents trying to steal your earnings, you live a pretty delusional life…

Not that it matters, what matters is she’s fat, she’s not hot, there’s nothing great about her, yet some company throws a million dollars at her to get her to promote their shit with her weird fat girl banana pudding shaped tits out…that’s just crazy….or proof that you can make a lot of easy fucking money on the internet selling made in china shit to half retards…allowing you to piss money away on this garbage.

Good Times.

Demi Lovato Tits of the Day May 9th, 2018