Willa Holland Tits Out of the Day

Willa Holland was the younger sister on the O.C., which was a show I watched when it was on TV, because it gave me something to talk to college girls about, since I had nothing better to talk to college girls about, because even a decade ago, they were dumb, self involved cunts, with little to no substance, who relied on weekly TV shows and dumb punchlines from dumb movies as a starting point in a conversation… to really feel like they had enough of a connection to sit on your face later that night…

I mean I was in my 40s….and I guess what the fuck else were we to do with each other….in an era before everyone was online and we couldn’t just Facebook friend, selfie and tag each other on instagram or tinder, it required actual work to get laid like “OMG Marissa was such a bitch to Seth Last Week”…you know the shit that really makes a girl tick at her fucking core…because women are idiots…

Either way, the unmemorable “Marissa’s little sister”…lives in LA…is dating or married to an instagram photographer who blocked me, because I guess he felt he hit the big time with this one….and I guess he did because she’s Brian DePalma’s stepdaughter or some shit, which is pretty iconic, and only because it means her mom is a groupie gold digging whore…who stage parents and created whatever this smoking instagram naked for attention this is…

Good times. Great Times.

Willa Holland Tits Out of the Day May 10th, 2018