Kendall Jenner Tits of the Day

Kendall Jenner has little tits like her dad, you know busting out of her blazer, like her dad, because the most important thing about Kendall Jenner is that her dad, the reason she exists, I mean besides her weird brown half sister’s porno, and her stage mom’s ego and manipulation tactics, is strictly because of her dad, who cut off his penis.

Now I don’t think these promo model, direct response marketing, informercial hosts in the new media age have souls to begin with, but having your dad cut off his dick must do a real number on her ego, if her brain has that capacity and it must really fuck with her vapid little head…creating daddy issues…in a poor little rich girl kind of way….and we can only hope it ends terribly with opiates and sleeping pills and booze…because we need these people to off themselves one by one for the betterment of society…

They are the worst, and she is the best of the worst.

Here she is for ELLE – hydrating – too bad she didn’t drown….


And here is the dick sucker that made this all possible –

Kendall Jenner Tits of the Day May 11th, 2018