Kimberley Garner in a Bra in Cannes of the Day

Kimberley Garner, the UK reality star, who I don’t even think is on TV because she moved to America and tried to make it there, has been invited to Cannes, or maybe she’s just hopping around Cannes knowing it is a good Photo Op, or maybe when in LA she found a film producer who runs in the same circles as her to fuck, and to be the arm candy for, because all these dudes are rich nerds who got into hollywood because it’s Glamourous and way for them to get laid, when they otherwise wouldn’t get laid, if they worked for let’s say a plumbing manufacturing company, that could be as lucrative, but no red carpets…just shit piles..

Point being, she’s trying to take her hot body and master the fucking scene and this is how it’s done, even though no one knows or cares who she is…I’ll still check her out and cat call her to my computer screen because she’s good….


Kimberley Garner in a Bra in Cannes of the Day May 11th, 2018