Alexis Ren Erotica of the Day

Alexis Ren has actually had an influence on society. Not that she’s done anything all that remarkable, she was just the most successful at doing it. Doing what exactly? Getting naked or half naked on the internet in a safe for work way. With some dude old ladies perved on because he had this fit surf look, the kind of thing a weirdo would call a “CHAD”…because the “CHAD’s” Get all the girls…or some shit…

Either way, she’s managed to keep her followers interested in her half nakedness, by continuing the half nakedness…which without the epic travel and adventure has left her just being half naked…a low level tactic by such a well followed person…but a tactic I like.

Why bother with storylines and bullshit….when you can just get half naked…it’s easier and you get all the same social media hits…with less work, costs, etc.

I don’t know why brands would sponsor her, but I know why people jerk off to her…we are perverts….that’s why.

Alexis Ren Erotica of the Day May 14th, 2018