Ariana Grande Lives of the Day

Which is more than we can say for some of her fans in Manchester….

I know that celebs have virtually no soul, especially the child stars, they are just entitled as fuck and can do no wrong..

But you’d think that you’d feel some level of accountability knowing that people came out to see you perform, before getting taken the fuck out…

I mean sure, you can rationalize it however you want, security issues, crazy people, a random attack, who knows…..

But ultimately, she goest to bed at night knowing those people came to see her…and died..a lot of them still kids…

And I am sure she doesn’t give a fuck, she’s just onto her next promo tour, tits out…but now with some story that she can milk for attention about her comeback….and the heartache it all caused her…

Hollywood is nonsense…but the tits are real…I mean often not real…but real as in they actually exist, unlike this one’s soul…that doesn’t exist.


Ariana Grande Lives of the Day May 14th, 2018