Victoria Justice Squatting in a Bra of the Day

Victoria Justice was caught squatting in a bra like some kind of whore crying for attention – over on her instagram the other day….which I guess means she wasn’t caught at all, she put it out there for the audience…as she kinda knows how these things work, just not very well…

Because she’s a Disney-Like kid, with stage parents, who was with Nickelodeon not Disney, but still carried a show perverts watched…..

But her co-star, or the suppoting actress on her show was Arianna Grande, who unfortunately wasn’t killed in the terrorist attack at her concert, instead of all the innocent people who were, I mean it’d only be fair if she was the one who was killed….seeing as they were only there for her…and she’s the reason or cause of said attack….

Which must make Victoria Justice so mad, because she’s not causing terrorist attacks, or even selling out venues internationally, she’s just kinda hanging on, while being hotter than Arianna Grande, who wasn’t even the star of the show they were on together…which must do something to her self esteem that I hope ends in sex tapes…

Victoria Justice Squatting in a Bra of the Day May 16th, 2018