Kendall Jenner Topless of the Day

Kendall Jenner is Topless because of course she is. She’s a Jenner, this is what they do….then brands throw millions of dollars at them, because it actually converts for them to advertise on theri channels, as they are a huge Direct Response marketing company, the informercial of today’s generation, and none of these idiots even run their shit, they have a team of people named Jennifer Houghton who do it for them, and who have been doing it for them forever…back when they realized they could run their own agency and make a lot of fucking money because the audience are retards who buy what they are told to.

It’s a weird world and these are just some of the sluts in it….inspiring other sluts to buy things they don’t need…like face injections.

Drinking her wine all casual…you know in her panties…you know..for a casual photoshoot that is strictly designed as clickbait….

Kendall Jenner Topless of the Day May 23rd, 2018