Demi Lovato Nipple of the Day

Hey bi-polar Demi Lovato…nice tits in some lingerie with your big nipples smeared out all over the motherfucking place…and by nice tits…i mean not that nice..but tits regardless and tits as a whole being “nice” because I like seeing tits, rather than her specific tits being nice…

I don’t know what this is all about, but I’m sure she’s angling some empowerment, feminity nonsense excuse to post up pics of her tits in lingerie…and whatever these whores promote themselves whoring for…whatever the reason, the motivation, the spin may be….I am all for it.

Because I am a pervert….

Here she is lookin THICK because she is thick.

Demi Lovato Nipple of the Day June 7th, 2018