Olivia Munn Tits Out of the Day

Olivia Munn is some garbage, entitled, bullshit personality from the bottom of the barrel that she crawled out of…Not only has she been consistently attention seeking but she’s also been a bottom feeder…

She clearly moved to LA to get famous as an actor, which didn’t happen for her, but she did manage to get some hosting gig on Attack of the Show on G4TV, some gamer nerd show that no one should have ever watched by that gamer nerds watched because they are gamer nerds and what the fuck else are they to do….besides jerk off to some babe talking their language..

It was pandering, it got her to Comicons, it got her a fan base, that she leveraged to get her into some movies, and now all her dreams due to calculated insanity have come true…

She was also on that show with one of the most irritating TV hosts of all time, Chris Hardwick, who recently went down for being a narcissistic control freak who controlled his teen girlfriend when he was 40 and trying to make all his nerd dreams come true…something I am sure a lot of these A Personality type nerds do when they finally get a girlfriend – because nerds, especially self proclaimed ones who make a business off nerd shit – are pretty fucking elitist in their nerd heads after years of being made fun of – convincing themselves they are better than the rest is really their tactic to get ahead. Victims of bullying or something…some of the rudest assholes who throw tantrums I know are nerds.

Well, luckily, Hardwick has lost some of his shows, so we don’t need to be put through that terrible fucking comedy, and nerd content that no one cares to hear about an entitled person talk about….let’s hope THE WALL comes down from NBC, because that’s another abusive fucking show to America…

While Olivia Munn still tries to use her tits to stay relevant.


Olivia Munn Tits Out of the Day June 18th, 2018