Amber Heard Hard Nipples of the Day

Here’s a pregnant looking scumbag Amber Heard with her titties out for the paparazzi, because she’s an attention seeking fame whore, who legit whores herself to famous people, to become famous by association, because before she seduced or trapped a vulnerable alcoholic Johnny Depp into her spider web, and before she fucking black Widowed him, she was a virtual no one, who did nothing substantial, except try to get attention for being in a girl on girl relationship, which was likely just a tactic at the time to get noticed, or to get rich guys to throw money at her, which is her one true fetish..

I remember Amber Heard doing media, about sexuality, about fluidity and all that bullshit a fucking decade ago, when she was semi hot and barely famous….before Johnny Depp got swindled and learned his lesson, which is to avoid opportunist media whores…and to get a fucking pre-nup with them when you’re seeminging worth over 500,000,000 dollars…which turned out to be not enough for Amber Heard, she’s elevated her whoredom like Miranda Kerr and now goes for Billionaires…

The scissoring dyke for attention, using Johnny Depp to leverage and increase her day rate…and throwing him under the bus for being abusive after she broke him down….sometimes a bitch needs a little spanking or discipline especially when they are on your payroll and you essentially own them…and they are out of line and abusing you…then filming him to extort him…that’s a fucking garbage partner, a garbage person, a psycho opportunist…and these are her nipples…

Amber Heard Hard Nipples of the Day June 26th, 2018