Sophie Mudd’s Massive Tits of the Day

Sophie Mudd is a set of monster tits, who isn’t that cute, who isn’t that marketable, who isn’t much more than a set of monster tits on social media…


Monster tits, on their own, are fantasitc, entertainment and all we really need to validate and appreciate a woman.

When you have tits like this, that you don’t strap down or hide, but celebrate and try to get as far as you can with them, through sexualizing them, it’s ok for use to stare…that’s what you want us to do.

And with tits like this, on a small frame, there’s something that genetically makes no sense, but that is totally wonderful…

Sophie Mudd…is worth our time…or at least worth staring at…so stare.

I don’t know if there’s much more substance to her, but I don’t think there needs to be. This is quite sufficient….EVEN IF IT REQUIRES NO EFFORT ON HER PART..

This is a genetic defect working for a girl, unlike a genetic defect like being born with one leg, or no arms, no quite working for the person, but being a handicap that may get them bonus money when panhandling…

This is the genetic defect that is wonderful….It’s not terminal Selena Gomez…it’s erotic…. Keep it up.


Sophie Mudd’s Massive Tits of the Day July 11th, 2018