Ava Sambora’s Crazy Mother Bikini Tribute of the Day

Here’s some Ava Sambora celebrating her mom’s insanity with some tits…

Because every rocker girl who ends up getting an acting job, but more interestingly a rockstar husband who she makes babies with…ends up with a drug addiction and crazy.

So nothing like a rich as fuck trust fund kid, I mean her dad is in Bon Jovi…trying the bikini model thing, while her mom is out there trying to kill herself…for whatever reason…

Which I guess means there’s some deep rooted trauma in this girl being raised by a psycho, and even if she seems resilient, she’s hurting on the inside…no one wants to see their mom suffer, especially when she’s Heather Locklear…



Ava Sambora’s Crazy Mother Bikini Tribute of the Day July 17th, 2018