Irina Shayk Tits for Fashion of the Day

Irina Shayk may be older, a mom, locked down in her A-List fucking and getting knocked up hustle…that apparently worked out for her. She may have had a lot of work done to her face and body and whatever else to maintain that look we all liked so much when she used Ronaldo to get to America in Sports Illustrated, where she became famous, paid and jerked off to by the masses, not bad for some Russian chick who was likely raised poor but had a Russian work ethic to make things happen for her…thanks in part to looking like Irina Shayk…

But I still think she’s wonderful….especially holding her tit in a bra…it’s perfect. How you’d want any and all sex workers to be really.


Irina Shayk Tits for Fashion of the Day July 19th, 2018