Jennifer Lopez is 49 of the Day

It’s a celebration motherfuckers……J.Lo is old as fuck…but proud of her body….so she’s out in her bikini clickbaiting….to show off to the other 50 year olds that if you’re a psycho rich person with a team of people handling everything your ego can thrive because you don’t have to age as terribly as you normally would if you worked a shit job at a fast food chain like the other Puerto Ricans in your hood….not everyone has the narcissism to be Jenny from the Block…but people amazingly think she’s wonderful, talented, a real fucking star and they celebrate her, and her booty, and I guess her old lady body she’s not about to retire because there’s more money to be made…she hasn’t made enough of it yet…and I guess it’s a nice photo to print up and put on your fridge to motivate your obese wife to stop making excuses.


Jennifer Lopez is 49 of the Day July 25th, 2018