J Lo Tits of the Day

J Lo has tits now, because she’s more than just a fat ass that manipulated Diddy and Ben Affleck in the 90s to matter. You know the Puerto Rican cast to play the Mexican star Selena, in some RACIST FUCKING HOLLYWOOD shit, that no Puerto Rican’s are complaining about because it created their leader J.Lo, and no social Justice Warriors are complaining about because they are trying to figure out their genders while deciding whether ordering Indian food is cultural appropriation if the chef at the indian restaurant isn’t in fact Indian, but Pakistani…you know the real issues at hand…

Or that people like producers and directors fucked the whores trying to be in their movies because they wanted to be in their movies which is as good as any reason to fuck a bitch…especially if you give her the job…

Or that trannies are played by actual trannies and not Jared Leto, or that Asian movies happen with an Asian cast, where the Asians are rich and not convenience store workers getting shot by black people in the projects….

While a fucking Puerto Rican played a Mexican and became fucking J.Lo….



J Lo Tits of the Day July 30th, 2018