Lucy Hale Bikini of the Day

Lucy Hale is in a bikini, which is better off than the dude in Denver who was chilling in the Congo and was rumored to have got Ebola, Patient 0 for the USA Outbreaks…like that French Canadian who fucked a Monkey and brought AIDS to America…you know living that legacy…

She’s also back on TV, not that she was never on TV, even though I don’t think I’ve ever seen her on TV…all while being not that hot at all…but I guess the TV industry needs average as fuck people to tell their nonsense bullshit stories…


I don’t know who the fat chick in the pic is, but I assume it is her stage mom that Lucy’s boyfriends can look at and look forward to seeing happen to her…


Lucy Hale Bikini of the Day July 30th, 2018